Summer officially started 4 days ago, so I am a wee on the late side to announce this year’s summer’s resolutions, but considering the summer weather has not been on its best behaviour either, I might as well be granted a pardon. I must admit I was so looking forward to this summer and I will do everything in my power to make it is memorable, energizing, beautiful and fun as I possibly can.
So here’s a liitle wish list for my summer, if only to serve as little reminder or an inspiration:
1. Meet new people, make new acquaintances, sharing laughs, stories, ideas, and reasons to be good ol’ happy 🙂
2. Enjoy summer beverages on warm summer days and evenings: ice coffee, cocktails (I am particuarly inclined to try out the Bloody Mary, which I have so far been avoiding due to its reputation of being disgusting). Nothing better than staying out in the city, bare-legged and yet completely warm even in the evening/at night!
3. Visit at least one summer festival in this part of Europe. My current favourite would be Grossman Fantastic Film and wine festival in Ljutomer:
4. go camping with my sweetheart, preferably in the wild.
5. Attend as many barbecues as I can. Summer = barbecue!
6. Spend as much time as possible at the sea-side, even if I have to work, it is still nicer to do it in the Mediterranean climate!
This was my selection of summer must-dos, I am curious if you have any of your own, or at least variations thereof 😀
Lots of sun everyone!