Na poletni šoli francoskega in evropskega prava je bila ena od dveh tem zelo zanimiva: dedno pravo.
Ob zanimivi vsebini sem se zelo zabavala tudi ob učenju novih pravno-sorodstvenih izrazov v francoskem jeziku.
Author: Marussa
Marussa is a linguist by educational background, a painter by passion, a swing dancer by night, a shopaholic by constraint and a Woody Allen fan.
How a Little Creativity can Improve you Mood Every Day
It all began while I got bored while soaking my feet in warm water. No book at hand, I grabbed my phone and checked the Web Design Weekly newsletter, which I rarely do. But this time, I found a really good story about a lawyer turned illustrator.
Lessons Learned in 2016
It’s been past the end of January 2017, so the official bucketlist post is beyond its expiry date, but who cares 😎 Truth be told, I needed to write some of the things down as a lot has happened since my last post. 2016 has been a breakthrough career-wise, as I managed to break into…