So, what happened?
After a 3-month course of Web Development, I hesitantly applied (as in, my fingers trembled when I hit the Submit button) for a junior developer position in a company making WordPress themes, which I think was quite a career-changer.
Even though I’m not quite there yet in the coding department (my job is mainly to support our customers with technical issues and perform an occasional customization job), I think this opportunity, being surround by a small, yet knowledgeable team of web experts, has given my humble attempt, taking that first web dev course, a firmer ground to continue with my aspiration to become a web developer.
And that, I think is a giant leap forward into a wonderful adventure of killing bugs, wrangling with untamed creatures (hello, Python!), getting to know new cultures (geeks) and narrowing my horizons within tight viewports of desktops, tablets and mobile phones. Plus, Japan is huge on game development 😛
Have any of you gone through a career change? Has there been a particular moment or a person whom you attribute significant role in the switch? Feel free to share your stories or any thoughts on the subject in the comments. Thank you 🙂
*Fun fact: My husband did go to Japan without me and is the author of the photos. Which is kind of ironic, if you consider I first decided to go on my own, thinking I could never convince him. A 250€ plane ticket works magic.