Enchanting the likes of George Bernard Shaw (one of my favourite historic figures, btw), Lord Byron and Napoleon, as well as the Game of Thrones set – Dubrovnik will hardly set to disappoint anyone!
And it is HOT in here! With the summer weather playing such poor tricks on us this year, it is a welcome end-of-August experience of the quintessential Mediterranean summer, the kind we remember from our childhoods.
Some fast facts about Dubrovnik for the uninitiated:
– It is situated on Croatian coast, on the very south of Dalmatia region, near the border with Montenegro;
– Dubrovnik is famous for its walled old town, dating back from the Middle Ages;
– It acted as a wealthy, independent city-state for prolonged periods of time in history;
I tried to study some extra functions on my modest camera, so here are some of the results.
This is my last full day in Dubrovnik, I have been here for a whole week already and I have lots more material to share with you guys, so stay tuned for that 🙂
Big hugs,